An exceptional Nigerian man named  Josteve Adedeji Adekanbi has achieved exceptional success in the United Kingdom after he was awarded the Global Talent Visa at the age of 21.
Josteve has been exceptional right from the beginning of her academic journey. He obtained his bachelor’s degree at the age of 18 in Nigeria before he proceeded to the United Kingdom for his postgraduate studies.
He shared his achievement on Twitter highlighting all of his accomplishments at 21. Josteve said he went from earning his bachelor’s degree at 18 to winning the United Kingdom Global Talent Visa award in four years.
He bagged his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Information Technology with first-class honors at Bowen University after which he earned a master’s degree in Computer Science at Birmingham City University with a distinction.
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Reflecting on his undergraduate journey, Josteve stated on his LinkedIn that he was the youngest when he resumed into the university. He said he learned how to be smart because he did not want to be exploited by others because of his age.
”Life is in phases, men are in sizes, and therefore, as life came to me in phases, I had to grow into the sizes of maturity and perseverance needed to walk through the journey of life,” he said.
Josteve said a year later, he grew in every aspect of his life and I started setting out more goals for himself and was very intentional about his growth. He added that attaining these goals was challenging but with hard work, luck, and a good circle of individuals, he persevered.
Josteve mentioned that he started with a 3.9 grade point average and graduated with a 4.62 cumulative grade point average earning him the 4th best graduating student of his department and college.
His determination also paid off during the process of his global talent endorsement application as he was intially rejected when he first applied but he did not give up.
He stated that seeing his brother obtain his Global Talent Visa following his graduation from Birmingham City University inspired him to aim for the prestigious award.
Rather than succumb to disappointment, Josteve said he chose to see it as an opportunity for growth and resilience with invaluable support from two of his families who also holds the award.
Fotunately, with prayer, perseverance, and the invaluable insights he gained from the appeal, Josteve granted the Global Talent Visa endorsement. He said the victory is not just mine alone, but a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of surrounding oneself with a supportive network.
Josteve concluded by quoting the words of Chukwuemeka Emeruwa which suggests that surrounding oneself with positive and supportive individuals is important.
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